GrowerNode™: Web Based Sensing & Control for Greenhouses & Gardens

GrowerNode™ is the name for our greenhouse and garden environmental sensing and control system. It is an internet based system for sensing and control of greenhouse, field and garden operations. The 'Islander' is our small prototype greenhouse design used as a demonstration project for IoT (Internet of Things).

The previous installments document the various construction phases of the GowerNode™ greenhouse demonstration project to get it to this point. In the picture below, Andy surveys the result of his work under Stew's supervision. Both of them can be very proud of this accomplishment, they worked hard to get the basic structure up before the winter weather takes a firm grip on the situation.

wifi web enabled greenhouse: phase 1 complete

The structure is under wraps now, while we prepare Phase 2, which will document the installation of the various systems we will be installing to get this project up and running on the Internet. Soon you will be able to monitor the operation of this unit from the comfort of your own home, so stay tuned (note all the pull strings in the picture; they will be used to pull sensors and wiring inside the walls, floor and ceiling).

If you are interested in having one of these yourself, please contact us at the construction arm of our company:

Photon Modular Greenhouses

Cheers, Adrian (CTO)

GrowerNode™ Greenhouse Construction Index (The Islander):

Part 1: Greenhouse Construction: Introduction

Part 2: Greenhouse Construction: Site Prep & Footings Forms

Part 3: Greenhouse Construction: Foundation Concrete Footing Pour

Part 4: Greenhouse Construction: Foundation Pier Column Setup

Part 5: Greenhouse Construction: Bubble Wrap Insulation re Floor Joist Modules

Part 6: Greenhouse Construction: Framing the Structure for Bubble Wrap vs Glass Walls

Part 7: Greenhouse Construction: Roof Module Installation

Part 8: Phase 1 Completed, Ready for Finishing Stain & Bubble Wrap Skin (you are here)